Will My Audience Change Because of this Crisis?

  • Fran Stephenson
  • April 20, 2020
  • 3 min read

For many of us, we are at four plus weeks staying at home.  It’s given us a lot of time to think, or maybe too much time to think.  If you’re holding on to the old notions of how your social channels worked prior to a worldwide crisis, it might be time to start thinking […]

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Part 2 in a Series No one ever expects the kind of crisis that is pervasive to every community and industry like this health care epidemic is right now. So if you’re struggling with how to cope, you are not alone. A lot of organizations are using their social media channels as their first, or […]

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Part 1 in a Series As the public health crisis of 2020 began to unfold, many communicators struggled with how to manage communications in an ever-changing environment.  By the time you had something drafted and in the approval pipeline, the recommendations or guidelines changed. It’s really hard to pivot so quickly. And in case you […]

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Four Tips to Manage A Facebook Page in Meltdown

  • Fran Stephenson
  • February 13, 2020
  • 2 min read

I recently assisted two small business owners with crisis response.  While I’m still processing everything that happened for one of them, we could actually see it coming and were able to do several things on social media to prepare for critics bombarding their Facebook page (which they did for 7 straight days!) This owner posted […]

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Using Twitter Lists For Content Ideas and Industry Monitoring

  • Jennifer Hatton
  • February 10, 2020
  • 3 min read

Twitter lists should be an important part of your 2020 marketing strategy. What is a Twitter List? A Twitter list is a curated list of Twitter handles within Twitter that allows you to view the tweets of those within that list only. You can create your own lists or subscribe to one created by someone […]

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It’s nearly the end of the year and many organizations are taking stock of how they did this year and making plans for next year.  If you’re a social media manager for an organization, you should be doing the same. But what questions should you ask? What should you look at to gain insight into […]

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The Complete Guide to Disclosure for Brands and Influencers

  • Fran Stephenson
  • September 14, 2019
  • 6 min read

Disclosure is the hottest topic in social and digital media and is the least understood by brands AND by influencers.  Full Disclosure: I am not a lawyer and am not offering legal advice.  Anyone who has questions about disclosure and how the law applies to them, should consult a licensed attorney. Now that’s out of […]

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Not Sure Who Your Audience Is? It’s Right Under Your Nose

  • Jennifer Hatton
  • August 28, 2019
  • 4 min read

Social media is a big part of getting the word out about your organization. You’ve spend considerable time and effort creating content and selecting the right images to get your message across. That makes it all the more important to know who your audience is, so you will know if your messages are getting to […]

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You Can Combat Social Media Fatigue

  • Fran Stephenson
  • February 18, 2019
  • 3 min read

It happens to every social media manager.  All of a sudden, your Facebook posts are boring. Or your Tweets go without a Retweet. Instagram photos have so few likes, you can read every name of those who DID give it a heart. What could possibly be wrong? It might be social media fatigue and it […]

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Is Your Facebook Group a Mob or Community?

  • Fran Stephenson
  • July 5, 2016
  • 5 min read

Spend any amount of time on Facebook these days, and you witness people traveling in gangs, rising up because serious harm has been done to someone or something. Virtual vigilantes. It could be inspired by the upcoming presidential election, or world events, but the general mood is shifting. In the early days of Facebook, the network was […]

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