Three Signs You’re About to Lose That Client

  • Fran Stephenson
  • April 16, 2012
  • 2 min read

During a recent Twitter chat with solo PR practitioners, the subject of recovering from the loss of a client became a hot topic.  As the chat progressed, the group serendipitously compiled a list of signs that all, in hindsight, recognized were signs that a client was about to change their mind about the relationship. Change […]

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The Future of Health Care is Bright!

  • Fran Stephenson
  • April 10, 2012
  • 3 min read

I am NOT talking about “Obamacare” or anything related to recent issues in health care. I am talking about students from HOSA, the Health Occupation Students of America.  They are our future health care providers and my recent experience with them made me so relieved for the future of health care in our country. Recently, […]

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Happy Birthday Girl Scouts!

  • Fran Stephenson
  • March 12, 2012
  • 3 min read

Happy birthday Girl Scouts! Today this venerable organization for girls turns 100.  I attribute my success in my life and my career to a great Girl Scouting experience. The motto “Be Prepared” has served me well in public relations and in my family life. I was a Girl Scout for the ten best years of […]

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How to Put Your SWOT Analysis to Work for You

  • Fran Stephenson
  • March 6, 2012
  • 3 min read

A SWOT Analysis, often used by businesses in strategic planning, is a great way to determine your next career step.  By now, you’ve created a SWOT Analysis with your “trusted advisors,” so  it’s time to look at it and analyze your results. Reflect on Results Put all the Strengths | Weaknesses | Opportunities |Threats together […]

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Thinking about a Career Change? Think SWOT.

  • Fran Stephenson
  • February 21, 2012
  • 3 min read

No doubt you’ve made some resolutions about your career after your annual review.  If it’s time to evaluate your career path, why not start with a SWOT? A SWOT Analysis is an acronym for a business analysis in which you evaluate Strengths –Weaknesses –Opportunities – Threats.  The concept is often credited to Albert Humphrey, who […]

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Confessions of a Contest Entrant

  • Fran Stephenson
  • February 13, 2012
  • 3 min read

I was certain I would get a phone call last month to say that I had won the contest.  Not just any contest, but the Williams-Sonoma, Real Simple Holiday Sweepstakes Extravaganza or something like that. The prize was awesome. A $5000 gift card to shop at Williams-Sonoma.  There were so many things I needed for […]

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Are You Celebrating Your Volunteers?

  • Fran Stephenson
  • September 21, 2011
  • 2 min read

Nonprofits depend on volunteers for all sorts of things.  In some organizations, they may answer phones or process donations.  In others, they may assist clients or staff.  But volunteers also direct strategic campaigns to bring millions of dollars into organizations.  And they often govern the very structure of the nonprofit, through board service and operations. […]

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Grand Rapids Raises the Bar

  • Fran Stephenson
  • August 18, 2011
  • 1 min read

It’s the end of another summer season and tourism destinations are about to ask themselves the hard questions as they start to plan next year. What worked? What didn’t? What should we change for next year? It’s hard for some destinations to rise above the well-funded voices of the “biggies” like New York City, Orlando […]

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Earlier this week, Jet Blue announced a different sort of airfare.  Unlimited three month airfare “pass” between two of their key cities.  Like the unlimited rail passes so attractive to backpackers in Europe, the unlimited fares have a number of desirable characteristics. The fares are good until November and include the ability to book up […]

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Traveling with your Grandparents is Nothing New

  • Fran Stephenson
  • August 1, 2011
  • 3 min read

Multi-generational or 3G travel is an emerging trend that has gotten media and public relations professionals talking. Earlier this summer, it was the focus of one of the livelier sessions at the PRSA Tour and Travel Section Conference held in June in San Antonio. (Disclosure:  I was part of the local, logistics team for the […]

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