No Trash November: Omni-Channel Campaign Moves the Needle on Litter

  • Fran Stephenson
  • August 12, 2024
  • 2 min read

Challenge: No Trash November (NTN) was created in 2021 by Tennessee Department of Transportation’s (TDOT) Nobody Trashes Tennessee’s (NTT) litter prevention campaign in response to the declining number of volunteer cleanups occurring in the state, the overall reduction in statewide litter tonnage collected, and to coalesce and engage partners during a time of year when […]

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Challenge The San Antonio Cocktail Conference (SACC) has a unique footprint in San Antonio. It’s the only event of its type in the Lone Star State and in just 5 years’ time, had become one of the top 5 cocktail events in the country.  They had been experiencing double digit growth each year and knew […]

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Case Study: Cardboard Kids

  • Fran Stephenson
  • July 4, 2014
  • 2 min read

Social Awareness Campaign Reaches 1 Million Challenge: To create widespread community awareness of the problem of child abuse and the mission of ChildSafe San Antonio in offering services to victims of abuse during a one-day “takeover” of more than 5,000 Cardboard Kids throughout the city, each of which represented a child abuse case. Approach: Step […]

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